Fellowship in the Last Days

Welcome! I am glad you found this site. This page was designed to locate other Christians in the Philadelphia and Delaware County areas who are desiring to seek the Lord and find biblical fellowship. It is increasingly becoming harder to find Christians who are earnestly desiring to love God and their neighbor and be faithful to Christ’s commands in these last days.

I am looking for others who desire to read the Scriptures together regularly, pray, sing hymns and spiritual songs and reach the lost with the gospel on the streets. It would be nice to meet on Friday and/or Saturday and spend time together with other believers. If you are a believer and searching for biblical fellowship, please do reach out, even if you are not from the area.

Below are some edifying words concerning biblical fellowship. Hopefully, this site can be a place for others to connect who are seeking genuine biblical connections with other believers.

Longing to Be in Fellowship

“Sheep love to be together; they do not like being alone; there are no animals which seem to take such pleasure in being in a flock, and cling to each other’s company so faithfully. And so is it with true Christians: it is their delight to meet each other and be together, if possible. It is their continual sorrow and complaint that far too often they have to journey on alone, without any who are like-minded to commune with, about the things which their souls love most; and this is a very sore trial. Friends and relations may be kind and affectionate, they may have everything to make this world enjoyable – but what Christ’s sheep sigh and crave after is to have with them people who can enter into their secret feelings, who understand the unseen workings of their inward man, who can comprehend the hidden warfare which goes on in their hearts – people with whom they can take sweet counsel about their souls’ health and souls’ trials, with whom they can converse freely and unreservedly about their Lord and Master and their hopes of forgiveness through His name.” – J.C. Ryle

If you share the same heart and are of a like mind, please reach out by using our contact form.